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Réponse de mbastaw
13 mars 2014, 16 h 33

Thank you NatR and Digger for adding to the conversation! You've both brought up so many interesting and important considerations-- one of the many reasons I'm passionate about this research.

I agree, NatR, that no two caregivers are alike. I think of myself personally and how I am more of a "lurker" on blogs and discussion forums (I like to read and learn but not necesarilyl participate) whereas other can't wait to share and add to the conversation.  In this way, I think personality is an added layer to the time constraints you mentioned. I hope in my current research to learn how caregivers are finding time (or not) to interact with others and what things they value when they do connect with other caregivers (e.g. do they want the caregiver to be similar to them? how do they view the strength of the bonds they form? etc...)

Digger, your point about directed questions is very interesting. I think it applies not only from the perspective of asking direct questions to loved ones about their care needs but also asking caregivers direct questions about their support needs. From my experience, there are some caregivers who are happy to chat and just share stories and experiences. There are others, though, that really want structured conversations that are focused on problem-solving and finding solutions to common issues. My feeling is that this also has a lot to do with the caregiver's personality.

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